Are You Setting Up A Kitchen For A Large Family?

Do you and your spouse have lots of children? Perhaps it's a ​yours, mine and ours marriage. Or, maybe you just decided when you got married that you wanted to have a large family. Either way, you must be very happy, and you must be very busy! If you are doing some changes to your kitchen, from creating a kitchen design on paper to buying used restaurant equipment, here are some ideas that might help you to create a comfortable and efficient gathering place for your large family.

Create Your Design On Paper - Even if you're not a gifted artist, you can still sketch on paper, maybe graph paper, how you want to set up your kitchen. For example, if you place the refrigerator close to your kitchen island, it will be easy to grab thing out of the refrigerator as you cook. Think of placing things like plates, serving platters and other service items close to your kitchen table. And, consider having floor to ceiling shelves that will hold things like pots and pans, cook books and even puzzles and board games that your family  can play at the kitchen table. Hopefully you have a kitchen pantry. If so, think of buying those nifty little shelves where you place all your canned goods in them and they roll out one by one. Consider keeping things like rolling pins, measuring cups, measuring spoons, and recipes you use a lot in a huge basket. The same goes with spices. Gather the ones you use most often and keep them separate from the ones you only use occasionally. 

Shop For Used Restaurant Equipment - You might still need to shop for your kitchen. If so, think of making a list of things you need to purchase. Are you shopping on a budget? If so, consider buying used equipment that is still in excellent working condition. Do you already have a separate freezer? If not, consider buying a used one, perhaps from a restaurant that is going out of business. The same restaurant, or another source, might even be selling things like large mixers, attractive plates and other service pieces and huge mixing bowls. One idea is to purchase a large kitchen work  table and then using it as a kitchen table. More than likely you can even buy used chairs to go with the table. If they're mismatched, that might just add interest to your kitchen. 

For more help, talk to a company like YOUR EQUIPMENT GUYS.
