Are You Adding To Your Work Wardrobe? 3 Reasons To Include A Handmade Pineapple Print Tie

Once you've established your basic work wardrobe, it is fun to add a few accessories that make getting dressed each day more exciting. Wearing a tie might be required for your workplace, or you might just like adding that extra bit of personal flair. You'll find ties in many different patterns and colors, but you can't go wrong with adding a handmade pineapple print tie to your collection. 

Give a Warm Welcome During First Meetings

Did you know that pineapples are known throughout various places in the world as a symbol of hospitality? The history of this fruit goes way back to a time when it was hard to transport it internationally. The rarity of pineapples made them a luxury, and giving one to someone was considered to be a respectful gesture of kindness and honor. While you can get pineapple in many stores today, it still holds a warm place in people's hearts. 

At work, you'll undoubtedly encounter many times when you want to send a friendly message with your clothing. A pineapple pattern lets people know that you are welcoming and approachable. Wearing a tie with pineapples on it can help to soften an otherwise formal suit. Whether you are going to a casual dinner hour at a conference or welcoming new-hires to your team, you'll be glad to have this type of tie available.

Dress Up Your Casual Friday or Special Event Outfits

Workplace theme days are still a popular thing that helps everyone to get in the mood to work together as a team. With a pineapple print tie, you won't have to stress over what to wear when everyone is asked to get dressed for a tropical theme. This print is also perfect for casual Fridays when you still feel the need to dress up a little. 

Add a Touch of Personality to Business Attire

That classic black suit might show people that you are serious about work, but there are also times when you want to show more personality. A handmade pineapple print skinny tie looks great with a formal suit, and it also goes just as well with a pair of jeans and a button-up. The best part about wearing a handmade tie is that it is one-of-a-kind. You can bet that no one else will show up wearing the same tie, and you'll also discover that your tie can serve as a conversation starter, which is perfect for networking.
